Saturday, 7 May 2022

Bizarre Providence of God

(1Kings 22:34-35, NIV) "But someone drew his bow at random and hit the king of Israel between the sections of his armour...The blood from his wound ran onto the floor of the chariot, and that evening he died."

God's curse on King Ahab has been fulfilled.  

In 1 Kings 22, the prophet Micaiah, unlike the false 400 prophets, declared that war against Syria would result in the death of Ahab.

But Ahab didn't give up on his war plan. Instead, he played tricks so that he may not die when he went to war. He disguised himself as an ordinary soldier and made Jehoshaphat, his ally king of Judah, stand out as himself. 

However, an arrow that wasn't even aimed at Ahab flew out of the air and hit a seam in the armour.

It was a bizarre thing called Providence of God. Human tricks are nothing in front of Providence. 

When we acknowledge that all blessings and curses depend on God, we get to offer the prayer of Psalm 123:2.   

"As the eyes of slaves look to the hand of their our eyes look to the Lord our God, till he shows us his mercy." (NIV)